Wednesday, January 24, 2007

More Eric Meyer on CSS

Recently, I was in a bookstore and happened to see a copy of "More Eric Meyer on CSS". Of course, I had to have it ... everyone who does any CSS at all must know Eric's blog and cutting edge demonstrations and frankly, I owed him the price of the book for all I've learned for free.

The book has been pretty good, which is kind of disappointing. It has great step by step examples which help the reader get the feel of working through the examples themselves. Unfortunately I didn't open the book until I was on an airplane, and sure wished I'd downloaded the examples in advance.

The disappointing part was the last few chapters, especially on how to do menus and on how to style CSS Garden. They contain great content, but it's kind of old ... surely we've all seen how to do menus by now, and gone through the pages on how to do menus, and these chapters didn't really add much for me.

All that said, it's still time to say thanks. Buy one of Eric's books if you do CSS; you won't regret it.

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